SVETL, The life generator, a Bio-Informational technology by Nicolai Levashov and RSTS.

Oil fermented onions.

And one more dish I remember from my childhood, I make it often and to this day, especially in winter. Onions were shredded in narrow strips, sprinkled with salt and covered with fragrant vegetable oil. If you let this simple dish stand in a cold place for at least an hour, the bitterness of the onion passed into vegetable oil and at the same time the taste changed. And then, taking a piece of fresh white loaf in one hand, preferably while the bread is still hot, and picking up the pickled onion with a fork, they sent it all into their mouth. The taste was always amazing, and the benefits were even greater, since with this simple dish we received a lot of vitamins, especially in winter, when there were no fresh vegetables and fruits.

Even now, if I feel some weakness in my gums or teeth, I make myself this simple dish and the next day my teeth are strong and the gums are healthy. Actually, we are all very lucky, as both grandma and mother cooked amazingly!



Nicolai Levashov

The mirror of my soul. Volume 1. Born in the USSR.