SVETL, The life generator, a Bio-Informational technology by Nicolai Levashov and RSTS.

Honey fermented garlic

Anything can happen, and not only to people's health. Water (all water on Earth) will take on a completely different, including in the form of an energy grid, format of its arrangement. It will change a lot in people as well - especially in the Brain. Another thing is what kind of a Brain will stand... (I'm not scaring, I'm stating).


The SvetL complex, in all its renditions, will "soften" possible outbursts related to people's health, but not to the extent that it does so on a daily basis. And this is an objective process, which is already clear from the above.


Simple recipes which it is desirable to apply, regardless of whether you are a User of the Complex "SvetL" or not.


  •     Do not panic no matter what happens to you and try, to the best of your ability, to endure this (to put it mildly) possible discomfort;
  •     the most effective is garlic and honey: finely chop a garlic clove, mix it with a teaspoon of good (!) honey and eat it with water (better from "SvetL") or spring water, but not boiled or bottled; repeat in the morning and evening (before or after meals - it does not matter!).


Honey and garlic are protection and adaptation of the vessels (their elasticity) and blood. Water is a retransmitter and at the same time a regulator of information that will flow both to the Brain and through the Brain to all cells of the flesh - healthy and sick. I recommend to begin from the moment of reading this information and to apply this recipe till the end of the month, and those who wish may continue for another month and then take a break for a month, in which to determine in continuation of application.


I wish everyone success and optimism!


Feodor Shkrudnev.