SVETL, The life generator, a Bio-Informational technology by Nicolai Levashov and RSTS.

Going beyond to our best selves.

Development and the Subtle Bodies


Our life and growth from infancy, through childhood and adolescence, and finally into adulthood takes us through the phases with which we are all familiar… growth and control of our physical bodies, experience and mastery of our emotions, and adult maturity that permits the actualization of our life’s plan and dreams. A fact of which most of us are unaware is that these phases correspond to the development of our subtle selves or bodies, material bodies that are as much clairvoyant sight. It is the proper construction of these unseen bodies that brings us to wholeness and to the ability for fullest expression of our spirit or soul.

The template of our physical body, or etheric double, completes its elaboration by about age seven, at which time the physical form is anchored. We then begin the development of our emotional or astral body, which continues throughout adolescence into early adulthood. If we are fortunate, we will in this process develop a full complement of the matters that compose these first two bodies, etheric and astral, that are essential for our existence on the physical plane. By the time we have reached our mid-thirties and beyond, those who have the proper foundation may turn to the evolution of the mental bodies, the vehicles for rational, discriminative, and intellectual thought processes that are necessary to aid us in our evolutionary pursuits.

If we are to develop spiritually and express our deepest selves fully, it is our mental body or bodies that must be amplified. This may be accomplished through various methods, and each person may tread down many roads in a search for the truth that will further the progression of his or her soul. Contemplation and discrimination of thoughts, learning to distinguish their source, and identifying those to be called our own constitute one course of action that may bring us to achieving more explicit, rational, and clear direction. Then we may select those ideas most constructive and valuable to our path, energize them, and enact them on the material plane to create a satisfying existence.


Problems Along the Way


But what if we have gaps in our early development? What if our subtle bodies have traumatic imprints or if a weakened structure has led to vulnerability to disease? We may well recognize the results of this situation in those who feel blocked in their progress to attain the full life that they desire. They may feel fatigued, devitalized, depleted, and exhausted. Their urge for greater meaningfulness lies unanswered as actualization of life's higher pursuits becomes secondary to maintaining everyday existence.

The consequences of imbalances and disharmonies in the subtle-body construct that may appear due to early trauma or stresses affect one most often in the mid-30's and beyond, when the vitalization from establishment of the etheric and astral levels declines and we are tested by life in mature situations. The etheric and astral structures may have incomplete developments in many of these cases, leaving them inadequate as a foundation for further evolution into the mental bodies. Thus, the potency of the soul's expression through the mental bodies cannot be realized. This may be experienced as hindrance of the manifestation of our innermost self or spirit and an inability to achieve an active intellectual and spiritual life.


The Effects of Disharmony and Stress


When we reach a level of disharmony that stops us from our evolution, we may feel caught... unable to move forward and unable to maintain our previous levels of confidence. Harbored emotions such as apprehension, worry, fear, and anxiety give rise to changes on the subtle levels.

According to Nicolai Levashov, if a stress situation occurs at a time when the astral body is in a low phase of emotional biorhythm, a process may be implemented in the subtle body matters that thwarts the recuperation from stress. These changes may result in an ultimate inability to disengage from the quagmire of negative emotions that arise, leading to protracted depression and manifesting on the physical level in stress reactions or, in some cases, the development of cancer.




The following are N. Levashov's statements regarding these matters:

“If, in a stress situation (e. g., fear or anxiety, among many others), the astral and mental body (when present) break down at a time when the astral body is in a low phase of emotional biorhythm, prolonged depression often results. This is because, in times of stress (as with any emotional reaction) the astral body's supply of G and F matter starts erupting, leading to a drop in the cell's astral body dimensionality.”

“As the latter becomes commensurate with that of the lower range of the planet's astral plane, this brings the cell's astral bodies as well as the organism as a whole into a state of harmony with the lower astral planetary plane, which resonates with the negative emotions. A subject in such a state is bombarded by negative emotions – without a chance of returning to normal.”

“The only way to restore normality is to fill up the cells' astral bodies with G and F matter, particularly F. This occurs when the physical cells release primary matters through the disintegration of their organic molecules. This proceeds slowly until the dimensionality level of the astral body returns to its initial value.”

“If, in the process of recuperation, new stress emerges, the organism will again be catapulted to the lower astral plane. So a subject may be submerged for a long time in a morass of negative emotions. The only solution is the speediest possible restoration of the original dimensionality before some new load or stress overtakes the organism.”

...and regarding the development of cancer:

“...Explosive eruptions of primary matters G and F, triggered by fear in moments of danger, sharply decrease the astral body's self-dimensionality level; however, unlike the characteristically smooth movement of the astral biorhythms, it is very abrupt. Further, this change in astral body level may push it beyond its critical limit, leading to its malfunction and ultimate destruction.”

“The cell loses its astral and first mental body (or only the astral body if it lacks a mental body). Its qualitative structure collapses, resulting in loss of normal functions, leaving it only the capacity to function like an etheric cell body. An abrupt decrease arrests the astral body at the phase in the cycle of the emotional biorhythm corresponding to its level of dimensionality.”

“When cells having only an etheric body come into proximity with normally functioning cells that possess – in keeping with their function – astral or astral and mental bodies, uncontrollable cell division results. This occurs because a cell with broken astral and mental bodies receives the same nourishment as its neighboring cells. In this case, the primary matter by-products of disintegration saturate only the etheric cell body, which then becomes engorged with them, resulting in a reverse flow of type G that is more robust than the flow from the nearby cells.”

“Such a cell readily accumulates organic molecules, since only a portion of the incoming molecules decomposes. When the concentration of organic molecules reaches the critical level, cell division occurs and a cancer tumor starts to develop.”[1]

 N. Levashov's elucidations of subtle-body phenomena during stressful episodes provide insight into the physical and emotional manifestations delineated by stress researchers at the National Institutes of Health, who state that one major disorder characteristic of an overactive stress response is melancholic depression. They have demonstrated in subjects with this form of depression that the body has a reduced ability or an inability to stifle the fight or flight response, leading to protracted anxiety and overreaction to stimuli and a subsequent paradoxical loss of motivation.[2]

On the physical level, many processes are set into motion under stressful situations. The “stress circuit”, the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA) becomes activated, sending chemical signals for release of stress hormones through the bloodstream. These hormones give the message to the body that it must be on alert for danger. In the vast majority of today's stress situations, this signal is sent even when no perilous threat exists. For some, the autonomic response of fight or flight remains switched in the “on”position, and thus the responses that gave our ancestors the ability to avoid life-threatening situations become an assiduous process with harmful bodily impacts. Vital functions, such as heart rate, blood pressure, and digestion, are affected.

Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) is released from the hypothalamus. CRH directly hinders release of stomach acid and emptying of the stomach and stimulates the colon to increase movement and clear its contents.

Via the pituitary gland, CRH acts to trigger the release of adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) into the bloodstream. ACTH signals the adrenal glands to release a number of hormonal substances. The hormonal compounds released by the adrenals include epinephrine (adrenaline), norepinephrine (noradrenaline) and cortisol. Epinephrine and norepinephrine enable the body to respond to threat by increasing blood pressure and heart rate, diverting blood to the muscles, and speeding reaction times. Cortisol releases sugar in the form of glucose to provide additional resources to the muscles and brain.

In addition, the HPA interacts with various glandular systems, deactivating those that regulate growth, reproduction, metabolism, and immunity in order to deploy biochemical resources to a threat alert.


How Healing Can Help


Repair and harmonization of the spirit structures can lead to balance for the entire organism such that malfunctions in the stress response can be corrected. Adjustments can be made that prevent the constant activation of stress reactions in the body.

As patients begin to feel the release from patterns that have had harmful effects on their systems, they may move into a new, positive mental atmosphere. Their circumstances may take a turn for the better, as they find themselves able to create in their lives more of those experiences that bring satisfaction and movement to greater fulfillment.



What Leads Us to a Healer?


In this chapter, we will examine the challenges that may present themselves when we experience the effects of traumatic imprint or stresses that prevent the full expression of our lives and lead some to seek the help of a healer. These effects may manifest more pointedly at midlife and beyond, as their full impact comes in to play, often leaving us devitalized and fatigued and unable to make the next steps toward enactment of our goals and purpose. 

Though these types of complaints may occur during any phase of the life cycle, those in their middle and later years can be especially vulnerable to the consequences of disharmonies that may appear due the effects of stress.  Some may experience reduced capacity in the performance of normal tasks and the management of the everyday difficulties that are presented to them.  In severe cases, the life becomes devoid of meaning as one struggles to maintain survival rather than to realize an enriched potential.


The Challenges of Stress


Tension, worry, and conflict create stress. The autonomic nervous system is alerted to a state of fight or flight, which may manifest in the physical body as release of stress hormones, tight muscles, heart palpitations, and other effects. The long-term effects of constant stress are wear and tear on the bodily systems. 

People who are experiencing difficulties in their lives may classify their situation as one of stress that is unproductive and draining. It may have already led to a declining quality of life in which they are unable to meet the challenges and demands of the active existence they have led until now. Poor health behaviors, such as smoking, drinking alcohol, reduced exercise, poor nutrition, and sleep disturbances, may exacerbate and compound the problems being experienced. While certain health conditions may require the use of prescription drugs, the use of medications and non-prescription products also takes its toll on our body’s physiology. 

In addition, the emotions associated with stress can have a deleterious impact on the capacity to fight disease.  Research has demonstrated that exposure to a virus or to bacteria is not sufficient to give rise to illness. Under well-controlled laboratory conditions, it was revealed that a significant contribution by stressors (along with genetic blueprint information) could predict that exposure to a pathogen would lead to a clinical outcome.[3] In other words, those under stress were more likely to develop a cold when exposed to a virus.

Disease may be already established in the physical body or incipient, only making itself known through intuitive awareness of its existence in the subtle (or unseen) bodies of the spirit.  The assault on our systems by such difficulties dictates that we must concentrate our efforts on attending to disease and ill health, rather than devoting our energies to the achievement of life’s possibilities. It is often these circumstances that lead a person to seek the help of a healer.


Healing Possibilities


What types of people come to a healer …and for what reasons? In my practice as a subtle energy healer, I see people from all phases of life who are ready to find more quality for their lives. They may recognize that stress is contributing to the possibility of ill health or may already be diagnosed with disease. Many are not certain what a subtle energy healer does or can do for them, and that itself is not surprising.  For example, they may not be aware that in the type of healing that I do the patient is not physically touched and that much work can be done at a distance.

Physical illness is what most often brings people for consultation. They may have exhausted the offerings of scientific medicine for their problem or may wish to avoid the next step of medically available treatment, such as invasive procedures. Some come with the hope that they will be able to remove themselves from the cycle of medications that seem to be ineffective and may cause side effects. There are also those who are not yet ill with a diagnosable disease. They come because of a sense of something almost indefinable, an inner voice that says something may be wrong even though all medical tests are “normal”. These latter patients are the ones not seen often enough by healers, the ones who come early enough for interventions to be most effective.

It is perhaps understandable to put off the seeking of consultation from a healer.  The healing process is not a miraculous one. It requires a level of commitment from both healer and patient that surpasses that of seeing a physician and being prescribed medications to alleviate symptoms. Healing of disease or other problems can occur rapidly or can take a period of months or years, depending on many factors, including the nature of the root origin of the problem and the attitudes, life style, and health behaviors of the patient. And so, a person who considers becoming a healing patient must give it some thought. 

In most cases, the healing will include removal of toxic residue and the making of corrections in the systems and processes that are involved with the problem or malady. If the disease is well established and the life force of the patient is weakened by continued assaults, the healing will be more onerous. There must be sufficient health available in the organism to tolerate the loads necessary to make the needed changes.

A patient beginning the healing process will need time to assess for him or herself (and for the healer to assess as well) whether the treatments have potential to bring the desired relief or change. This may take a few initial weeks. During this period the patient’s sensitivity to the work can be determined, and adjustments can be made to levels of energy being used. Both healer and patient will have opportunity to discuss any responses that are occurring. Depending on the disease or problem, it would be unusual to have complete results in the amount of time that passes during this initial phase, though in some cases improvements in medical tests have been evident in only a few months. Changes that may occur to indicate progress include alleviation or reduction of symptoms and problems and the experience of a beginning sense of strength and well-being, an increased power to cope with life’s stresses, and increased resistance to new disease.


Other Benefits for the Soul


Whether early or later, patients undergoing treatment at some time may experience an effect they had not expected during the healing process… a change in attitude… a positive transformation in their perspectives on life and a new ability to sustain an elevated sense of awareness. They may be able to realize more personal satisfaction, resilience, and positive outcomes in their daily lives. If the amelioration of disease is successful, they may experience a sense of relief as the burden of chronic illness lifts from their systems. A fresh outlook on life may emerge with awareness of the opportunity to re-evaluate and change how one has lived life and conducted him or herself, what aspirations remain valid or need to be set, and what needs to take place to pursue a potential for increased satisfaction.

Healing with the mind is not a universal remedy or miraculous process, and not everyone will experience the same positive results. However, for the many who can benefit and choose to, there is possibility for loosening or freeing the restraints of problems and disease that have prevented the realization of a full life.



This article was written by me in August 2003, after numerous meetings and conversations with Nikolai Levashov. And of course, this article carries first-person information. Until now, not only me, but all those with whom Nikolai Levashov spoke and whom he taught in the United States, are sincerely grateful to him.

I returned to this article after a considerable time, because this information is extremely relevant today in this difficult time and not only in the United States. Two years ago, I learned about the legacy of Nikolai Levashov, which he left in Russia after his death, and I realized that there is a unique opportunity to apply these technologies in the United States. I decided to do it and am doing it now.

Many people in the USA (also students of Nikolai Levashov), including myself, were convinced of the enormous effectiveness of these Technologies in terms of development and recovery, which are named after Nikolai and Svetlana Levashov and are used as the “SvetL” Program and the “SLN” Technology.

I know very well that in Russia and the USA there are a small number of people who initially rejected these Programs and Technologies, calling themselves both “students” and “followers” of Nikolai Levashov, who are not doing anything anymore. It seems envy and insignificance prevail in them, as Nikolai Levashov spoke and wrote about. But this will not be able to stop what is created for the benefit of people.

And today, against the background of events, as one of its many capabilities, the Technologies and Programs have shown a unique opportunity to protect the people who used them in the fight against the “COVID–19” coronavirus! And in order for people to understand the principle of building these technologies, their interaction with the Human Brain and their uniqueness and usefulness, I decided to repeat this material and information in our presenttime.


April 14, 2020

      Ruth Scott,

     Student of Nikolai Viktorovich Levashov



[1] Nicolai Levashov, Spirit and Mind, published by the author, San Francisco, California, 2000.

[2] Some information regarding physical and emotional consequences of stress is derived from National Institutes of Health publications in the public domain.

[3] National Institutes of Health, Information in the Public Domain.