SVETL, The life generator, a Bio-Informational technology by Nicolai Levashov and RSTS.

A London patient

Without exception, all the owners of SvetL Complexes are wonderful, talented and amazing people! People of different ages, professions, views and even religions. Each person does his own thing, tries to benefit other people, not to be an “extra link” in the chain of life and to give this world something of his own, new, and better. It is always gratifying to see such people, communicate with them, learn about their life, deeds and successes.

One such wonderful person is Valentine Palmer, a great actor, screenwriter, voice and stage specialist. A true gentleman, an Englishman, he is now 74 years old. Mr. Palmer never ceases to be a very active person, even at his advanced age, and about three years ago, doing kung fu exercises, he was injured, and since then he constantly experienced pain in his right ankle when walking.

His supervising physician in London, Tamara Nikolaevna Voronina (endocrinologist of the highest category, acupuncturist, homeopath, hypnotherapist, specialist in normobaric interval hypoxic therapy) gives the following comments:

“I have been observing this patient for many years, during this time he came to me on various occasions, and this time he came to me with discomfort and pain when walking, these are the consequences of his injury about three years ago. He pulled and partially torn the ligaments in the ankle joint of his right leg. Before contacting me, he underwent several courses of physiotherapy, consulted with various orthopedists, but there was no significant improvement.

I offered him the NV Levashov system, the SvetL Complex, since I myself use this device and have already managed to make sure of its effectiveness. I was pleasantly surprised by the results of Valentine Palmer in such a short time, and I would recommend this system to many patients who, it would seem, have no hope of recovering by the usual methods of official medicine.

I work with various methods, including computer programs, but this system really surprised and inspired me, precisely because of the possibilities of therapy without direct intervention in the human body. Of course, it is not yet completely clear to me on what principle the SvetL Complex works, I would like to study this technique even more and I very much hope that we, together with the Russian Scientific and Technical Society, will move forward in the study and understanding of this unique and an effective mechanism for treating people."


From: Valentine Palmer
Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2013 17:21:06
Subject: your testimonial about result of your treatment by SvetL device

Dear friends,

I received the SvetL Device from you about 14-16 weeks ago. Under Alex’s instructions, I programmed the device in the way that he told me to (via Skype). I also undertook to report to Alex how my various physical challenges were affected by the device. Both by Skype and e-mail I conveyed how my body responded to the use of the device over the first few weeks.

After only a very few days of using the device I found that the problem with my right foot, which had given me pain when walking for about three years, began to be much easier. Within three weeks it was definitely much less painful and I could walk for several hundred metres without the pain returning. Now, after about 12 weeks of the device I can walk for about a kilometre (of a little more) without any noticeably painful effect.

So, on a scale one 1 to 10 (1 being unbearable pain and 10 being able to walk and run without any pain) I would say that my foot was at level 2 before the use of the device and at level 5 after just a few days. After 4-5 weeks my foot was at about level 7 and for the past 10-12 weeks it has levelled off at about level 8. That is to say, I can walk for some distance without pain but still cannot run.

My general energy level was quite low when I started using the device but almost immediately it radically improved and has stayed more or less at a really good level ever since.

I hope this brief report is helpful and, if there is any significant further improvement, especially with my foot, I will definitely report this.

Best regards,
Valentine Palmer


Valentine Palmer’s latest report on 2nd January 2013

I took delivery of the SvetL device on Monday, 26th November, 2012. Within the first three days of using the device I already began to experience a general increase in physical energy.

Within another week (by 3rd December 2012) I began to notice an ability to walk with less discomfort in my injured right foot. As the result of strain in a Kung Fu exercise (stamping of the foot) some three years previously, I had always experienced pain around the right ankle when walking.

Also, within the first two weeks of using the device I began to develop a greater feeling of mental energy and optimism.

By the middle of December 2012 (17th December) walking had become increasingly easy, with an ability to walk for about one kilometre without pain.

By Christmas (25th December 2012) I was able to walk for up to three kilometres without any undue discomfort. However, I did observe that some days the improvement was greater than others and there were days when a slight discomfort in my right ankle returned when walking.

During the last two weeks of December I began to realise that my attitude to others and to myself was gradually changing. I was calmer and less likely to feel annoyed at other’s actions that I considered stupid or selfish. I also found that my sleep was crammed full of dreams. Although I could not recall any of these on waking, I was aware that some kind of clearing of long established worry, guilt and uncertainties was taking place. I also found myself re-living in my mind old incidents, relationships with friends and family and past apparent failures. These were not unpleasant experiences and occurred without my apparently initiating them.

During the last days of December 2012 and the first days of the New Year in January 2013 I felt extreme tiredness and a need for relaxation, sleep and avoidance of excessive work. These were not unpleasant experiences and I just noted them and allowed them to take their course.

By 1st January 2013 my ankle was, on the whole, fairly free from pain, except for an occasional reminder of it (lest I forget?).

I have now been considering the discomfort and pain in my right ankle on a scale of one to ten; one being almost too painful to walk at all and ten being able to function so well that I forget all about my ankle.

When I first took delivery of the SvetL device I would say that the discomfort in my ankle was between three and four. Currently, at the start of January 2013, it fluctuates between eight and nine.

I hope that this report has been helpful and I look forward to working further on such a world changing project. Please let me know how I can be of further assistance.

Best regards,
Valentine Palmer